Inspiring young minds while shaping my own ❣️

📑Aug 12
 The sixth day was started with the morning duty. In the first hour there were coloring competition. At 1.30 , we were assigned the lab duty. We completed several records and organized them. At 2.50 pm I took chemistry class at 8 F and taught the portion "atoms and molecules" And physics class in 4 rth hour and covered the topic " Acceleration ". After the session, I felt satisfied as the students were highly engaged and responsive, which really brightened my day. The lab duty was also quite enjoyable.... 

📑Aug 13

The day was quite disappointing. Due to  timetable change, I have to switch my classes from 9B1 to 9A1 and from 8F to 8B. This means starting the lesson all over again in 9A1, which I had already completed in 9B1. In 8B, there was no PowerPoint available, so I couldn't use ICT for the class, making it a real challenge. Despite this, I did my best to teach effectively and covered the topic "Symbols of Elements" once more. In the afternoon, we had some lab records to complete.
📑Aug 14


It was my first class with 9 A1, and I felt a bit stressed because I needed to cover a lot of material for the Onam examination. Contrary to my expectations, the students were very cooperative and enthusiastic. They were interactive and responsive. Since tomorrow is Independence Day, there were parade practices, with NCC and NSS students leading the parade...


Independence Day is a celebration of freedom and unity, honoring the sacrifices and struggles of those who fought for our nation’s liberty. It’s a day to reflect on our history, embrace our diverse culture, and look forward to a brighter future. As we celebrate, let’s remember the responsibilities that come with our freedom and strive to uphold the values of justice, equality, and peace.... 

📑16- 08-2024

We arrived at school by 8:45 a.m. and were tasked with notifying all 9th-grade classes about the Independence Day quiz program organized by our college. Shiji and I completed this duty by 10:15 a.m. Later, at 11:15 a.m., I took a substitution class in 9A1 and taught the topic of "Graphical representation of motion and position time graph  ." In the 4 rth hour i taught the topic " Compounds and chemical formula ".During the fifth hour, we conducted the quiz in the mini auditorium at 1.15 pm..... Vaishnavi from 8 th standard got the first prize..... Badhusha and parvathy got the second and third prize respectively.... 


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